Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bilan Perga: Home Sweet Home

Just returning from an amazing site visit, and am very much renergized to become a full fledged volunteer in a little over a month. Site visit had two main parts; staying with a current volunteer (Tracey, Brooks and I will forever be in your debt for taking such good care of us, introducing us to Pops, and sharing your American food) and visiting the site where we will be placed for the next two years. My site, is a little village called Bilan Perga. I will have two volunteers very close by, Nathan at 4k and Brooks at 8k. Tracey is also within biking distance at just over 30k... and yes I say biking distance because I biked it yesterday. My new house is currently underconstuction and is a wonderful 2 bedroom house. Yes, I took pictures and my camera is sitting here next to me... unfortunatly the cord is back at the hostel. There are tons of trees in Bilan Perga, I even have a tamarind tree right outside my house. The people were incrediably welcoming, and patient with my french and 2 words of Gulmulcema. The AME (assoication of motheres of students) even gave my a chicken and about 30 eggs (biking with eggs is fun). Currently there is no cell service in Bilan Perga or the neighboring towns, but we have been told there may be a tower going up soon, keep your fingers crossed. My closest internet service will be in Fada... so messages may be few and far between. Best wishes to you all and thanks for reading. Check out the updated Wish and Reading Lists (links are on the right).


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Randal Kay said...

biking with 30 eggs? What happened to the chicken?

Your new home-to-be sounds great. Nic to ear there's lots of trees, hopefully that means it may a cooler place to live, or at least you'll have something to "hide" under from relentless sun or pouring rain.

Can't wait to see the pictures. Sounds like you're becoming quite the biker. I bet your but has callouses! ;o?

Sorry to hear cell phone coverage will be not so good, but maybe in the months time things will change...maybe...

At least we will be able to contact you a little better when you get back to your training spot.

Guess since you're going to have two bedrooms we might as well start packing our bags to come for a visit, eh?

Sure miss you. Love ya lots and prar for you all the time, so is the Wenesday group at church. Rock on my little princess. ;o)

Love ya,
Dad (:-{)}

At 5:36 PM, Blogger stearns003 said...

You´re a ¨little princess¨ now! ;o) Glad you got to see your site. You like it? How are the people? Lots of happenings here in Manguito. I´ll have to send you a letter. It´s all kinda crazy. Anyway, I´m visiting Peter in 2 weeks (yay!). Very exciting. Keep in touch. I´ll call when i can. Nice pics btw. Is Flickr slow to upload? I was using msn cause it was faster than Yahoo... Miss ya hun!


At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy! I can only imagine how you are! You have an incredible drive and I look forward to blogging with you! You look great, to bad you are not here to win your family's bet! I look forward to seeing your permanent place. How are you doing mentally? Feeling better? In the few times we have gathered it was fun talking with you and hope we will do that soon! Take great care! I know your DAD is excited to come visit! LOL Faith


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