Sunday, June 18, 2006

A day in the life of a Nasara

Burkina Faso has welcomed me with open arms... or more appropriatly big open eyes. It's amazing but here i am more interesting than TV, welcome to the life of a Nasara. (Nasara: whitey, probably the word i hear the most here) So here is a quick look in a day in the life of a Nasara.
Wake up (outside, if there wasn't a rain or wind storm) between 5 and 530. Put my bed away with the help of two of my sisters. It's hard to do anything in this country without being helped by someone. Head to my latrine, yes that's a whole in the ground. And the to my shower... another hole, but we like this one. Take a bucket shower... one of the best parts of my day. And then it's time for breakfast of bread and nescafe. After breakfast, depending on time I walk around my families compound and see how many of my 150 plus family members i can say hi to before heading off to lessons. And this is not just HI... this is HI in moore which is a lot longer. If I am having class in village I don't have to been there until 8, but half of my days are classes in Ouahigouya, the bigger town where our training center is. Going to Ouahigouya, means biking about 8-10k each way... in the heat. So even if we didn't have to leave so early, leaving much later than 7am is just pure craziness. During the days (8-515) I have 4 classes sessions which comprise of a mix of things, from lots of language, to cross culture class, to tech training and medical sessions. Lunch depends on where we are. In town we can eat at the training center or out, in village we are taking our group of four and rotating between host families. around lunchtime we can be hitting about 105 degrees. After classes are done, back to biking I go. After a long, hot, stinky ride. It bqck to my host family, another shower and the dinner as the sun goes down. Then we set up my bed and after journaling and trying to do a bit of PC reading/homework it's off to sleep i go.
Not so bad right. Life is pretty good. We get watch all the time and I had a spidar crawl out of my skin the other day but other than that... not to bad.

Hopefully i will be able to right more soon, and get pictuers up soon.


At 7:51 AM, Blogger Randal Kay said...

GREAT to hear from you bug! How we do miss you! But is sounds like you are getting into the swing of things, our little Nasara.

What's this about a spider crawling "out" of your skin? I am afraid to ask.

Not quite as hot here as there, but it was close to 100 in the gulch the other day.

It's Sunday morning here, been praying around the church getting ready for the day. Praying for you too, of course.

I see you've been replaced in Jess's house with a cat! How insulting is that! ;o)

Hope to hear more from you soon, we'll keep sending cards and letters and eamils too.

Love ya,
Dad (:o{)}

At 11:01 AM, Blogger stearns003 said...

I'll have to third on the "out of your skin" part.... what's that all about?! And to correct your dad's assumptions, you have NOT been replaced in my house! You will never be replaced in my house. However, you may have to get used to having a cat around. But if you can shrug off spiders... well, I suppose you can do anything. ;o) Miss you girl. Glad to hear from you.

At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there sis, I bet you thought I forgot you as soon as you were out of the country. Well, you are wrong. (nothing new) I have not forgotten you, infact I pray for you often.

Spider crawling out of your skin, what the junk. That is just sick and wrong. It is like a scene from a movie. Like the Exorsit or some such crappy horror film. My staff and I want to know where on your body did it decide to pop out of? Did it chew its way thru or just kinda push or yuck I don't know, that is just sick and wrong.

Life here is good much calmer and more normal than when you were here last. Summer is in full swing. It has stopped raining men, and the sun is out, so life is good, and I am tan. Not mealting like you, but nice and tan.

Love ya,


At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Cutie!

Wow! You are such a brave soul. Just think of the great shape you'll be in by the time you get home. Your adventure sounds incredible. I would probably last about two minutes. One hole in the ground or a spider and I'd be out of there. Not much new around here - just getting ready for another round of DPs. Kathy will have her baby by C-Section on the 14th, if she doesn't go into labor before that. We miss you terribly but will enjoy "Life in Africia" though your eyes. Have fun and enjoy the moment! Love you, Pat

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Mike said...


Here are some PC / Burkina Faso blogs that I have found. If you know of any others that I have missed please let me know. Thanks!

-Mike Sheppard
RPCV / The Gambia



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